Aviso de privacidad

Dear Customer,

Considering that Administradora Century Santa Fe 440, S. C., is responsible for the collection and handling of personal data obtained to this date or which may be obtained in the future, a number of mechanisms have been implemented in order to ensure the safety and security of your personal data (the 'Personal Data'), and thus, the following notice shall apply:

Under Articles 15, 16 and other applicable Articles stipulated in the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Particular Entities (the 'Law') and the applicable regulations, we hereby notify you that Administradora Century Santa Fe 440, S. C. (the 'Administrator'), having domicile at Avenida Santa Fe, número 495, piso 11, colonia Cruz Manca Santa Fe, Delegación Cuajimalpa de Morelos, C. P. 05349, will be in charge of the collection, use and protection of any and all Personal Data in compliance under the principles of legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, equity and responsibility.

Our clients and customers (including holders and/or joint obligors and/or guarantors, if any) provide Personal Data to the Administrator, whether directly or indirectly (e.g. public access data), in person or through their subsidiaries, affiliates, controlling entities, joint owners and/or business partners.

The Personal Data compiled by the marketing offices, email communications and telephone exchanges may include:

For the Lease of Real Estate Property:

  • During the first visit: (a) name and last names; (b) email address; and (c) telephone numbers (work, home and mobile);
  • In association with the agreement (both the Holder and the Joint Obligor) may additionally provide: (a) place and date of birth; (b) nationality; (c) fiscal identification document and/or the Mexican Taxpayer Code (known as RFC) and/or any amendment thereto; (d) proof of residence; (e) power-of-attorney, if any; (f) personal and/or business references; (g) official identification, provided that in the case of foreign parties, a migration document shall be provided which serves as proof of their legal stay within the Country; and (h) any other data which may be necessary to formalize the legal relationship between the parties in connection with the lease of Real Estate Property; and
  • Only the Joint Obligor may be asked to provide, in addition to the foregoing: a deed of property for the real estate property so as to ensure the performance of the lease agreement or the Bond.

For the Purchase of Real Estate Property:

  • During the first and any subsequent visits: (a) name and last names; (b) email address; (c) telephone numbers (work, home and mobile); and (d) Unique Population Registration Code (known as CURP in Mexico);
  • In connection with the agreement (purchase and sale, letter of engagement, etc.), the following may be required additionally: (a) place and date of birth; (b) nationality; (c) gender (female or male) (d) certificate of marriage; (e) proof of registration issued by the Federal Taxpayer Registry and/or any amendments thereto; (c) fiscal identification document and/or the Mexican Taxpayer Code (known as RFC), if not provided or requested during the first visit; (g) Unique Population Registration Code (known in Mexico as CURP); (h) proof of residence; (i) work-related data (address, title, telephone number and contact); (j) personal and/or business references; (k) official identification, provided that in the case of foreign individuals, a migration document shall be provided which serves as proof of their legal stay within the Country; and (l) any other data which may be necessary in connection with the potential purchase of the Real Estate Property; and
  • With regard to the registration of the relevant deed: the intended occupancy.

We understand that the data of third parties (e.g. personal or business references) provided to us by you are already cleared by the holder of such data in order to be supplied and treated by us under this Privacy Notice.

The main purposes of any such Personal Data (the 'Primary Purposes') shall be: (a) to identify you as our client/customer and/or legal agent or a party interested in our products/services; (b) to know your needs; (c) to contact you in order to follow up on your interest in the transaction for the purchase and/or lease of Real Estate Property; (d) to prepare documents, agreements, arrangements, invoices, receipts and any other documentation associated with the purchase and/or lease of Real Estate Property; (e) to manage inquiries and clarification requests; (f) to assess the quality and/or to follow up on the transaction after the sale and/or lease; (g) to store such data; and (h) to comply with the terms and conditions agreed upon with you.

The secondary purposes for the Personal Data (the 'Secondary Purposes') shall be as follows: (a) to keep you informed of new projects and offers; (b) statistical purposes; (c) marketing; and (d) market surveys.

The confidentiality of the Personal Data is ensured, and such Personal Data is protected under strict administrative, technical and physical safety and security means, in order to prevent any damage, loss, alteration, destruction, use, access to or unauthorized disclosure of any such data. For example, any and all Personal Data is located in an internal database which can only be managed with access keys that are regularly changed and access thereto is restricted to authorized personnel only; subject to confidentiality agreements with the relevant personnel, etc.

You have the right to access, amend and delete your Personal Data, as well as to disagree with the handling of such Personal Data and to revoke your consent (collectively, the 'ARCO Rights'). In order to do so, you or your legal agent will need to submit a written request to exercise your ARCO Rights to the Marketing division of the Administrator in charge of protecting the Personal Data, located at the address shown herein above, or you may contact the Marketing division of the Administrator via email at: protecciondatos.inmuebles@gmail.com (“Request”). In both cases, an acknowledgement of receipt is required in order to have the Administrator informed about such request. Said Request shall include the following information: (a) name(s) and last names (in Mexico: father's last name and mother's maiden name) of you and your legal agent, if any; (b) email address to receive notifications; (c) non-certified copy of the official identification (with photograph) of you or your legal agent, if any, and, if applicable, the document that serves as proof of the legal agency of the representative who submits the Request on your behalf; (d) existance of the agency, through a public deed or a Power-of-Attorney signed in the presence of two witnesses, if applicable; (e) a clear and precise description of the Personal Data for which you are requesting to exercise any of your ARCO Rights; (f) any document or submission which may facilitate the localization of your Personal Data; and (g) your signature or your legal agent's signature on the Request.

In the event that you are requesting to exercise your right to: (a) Amend: You shall indicate the modifications to be performed and provide the relevant documentation that may serve as proof that your request is true and accurate; and (b) Access: The Administrator shall provide the Personal Data via email and/or by an appointment at the administrative offices, at the discretion of the Administrator.

Within the 20 business days following the acknowledgement of receipt of the Request, such requests shall be addressed and you shall be notified whether such request has been approved or not via a notification sent to the email provided for notification purposes. If your Request is approved, the Administrator shall comply with such Request within 15 business days following your receipt via email of the notice of approval for your Request.

Furthermore, in addition to the exercise of the ARCO Rights and the revocation of consent, the Administrator has in place a 'List of Exclusions' that allows us to limit the use and disclosure of Personal Data. You only need to send us a request to be included in such list, including: (a) your full name (name(s) and, in Mexico, father's last name and mother's maiden name); and (b) an email address where we can reply to your request. Such request shall be addressed to the Marketing division of the Administrator at: protecciondatos.inmuebles@gmail.com, and you shall receive an acknowledgement of receipt in order to have the Administrator informed about your request. Said acknowledgement of receipt shall include a proof that you have been included in the 'Exclusion List'.

All the documentation shall be submitted complete in a clear and legible PDF so that the Administrator may honor the Request.

If you deem that your right to have your personal data under protection has been violated by the Administrator, or if you reckon that a violation to any of the personal data protection provisions stipulated under the law has been infringed, you may file a complaint or report to this regard with the Federal Institute for Access to Public Information and Data Protection (IFAI, web site: www.ifai.gob.mx) within 15 days following the date when you receive the reply by the Administrator, or after the 20-day period from the date when the acknowledgement of receipt of your Request has expired. The Administrator is a trading company and/or a Real Estate leasing company and, thus, any and all Personal Data may be transferred to the Administrator's subsidiaries, affiliates, controlling entities, co-owners and/or business partners operating within the Real Estate sector, both in the national territory and in foreign jurisdictions for the same purposes, particularly in connection with the purchase and/or lease of Real Estate Property. Said Personal Data may also be transferred to the following parties: authorized financial entities or institutions, whether public-held or private; offices of notaries public; real estate managers; appraiser; and any other party which may be needed in order to achieve the purposes for which you contacted us.

Important: Any amendment to this Privacy Notice shall be made publicly known via our web site: http://www.alhel.com.mx/, without any obligation on our part to keep you individually informed about such publications.

Date of last update: 07/16/2013 Personal Data Protection.